In The Woods 森林

In the woods is a handmade book, it captures the feeling of mind when I walked in the deep woods. From my observation, the formation of the plants in the woods changes with the sunlight from morning to night. As the light changes, our eyes also give a different focus prion in the forest from the bottom to the top. Such as, in the morning we are often more attracted by the forest grand layer, like moss, saplings, or small seeding plants. During the afternoon, our eyes side are leveled up with the tree barks or midden-size shrubs. While the shadow in between the leaves started to show up, some younger leaves also became more transparent than it during the day times. This book used light Kozo paper cut and monoprint to capture the moment of light changes in the woods.

Japanese 4-Hole Binding, River paper cover, hand-cut paper, hand print oil-based ink on Kozo paper, 21 pages , 2021, 6.4’’ x 12.7’’

Monsterity 物久成精

Monsterity series are two handmade books. The first book gives a brief introduction of why I was interested in creating monsters in the first place. And how I was inspired by the Chinese folk culture to recreate monsters. The second book of the monstrosity series is more focused on the monster recreations images I did during the year 2020-2022. By making both books I want to demonstrate the expression of the monsters by questioning: why and how they started shaping civilization within its local histories and collective behaviors? For the full print monster images, you can locate them here.

Book 1: 2-Section Pamphlet Sewing, handmade paper, River paper, linocut print, oil-based ink, 26 pages, 2021, 5.5’’ x 8.6’’

Book 2: Buttonhole Stitch, handmade paper, River paper, woodcut print, linocut print, oil-based ink, 13 pages, 2022, 6.6’’ x 7.1’’

Book of Map 地图书

Mapping Book within a different perspective to present a different way of reviewing maps and using maps. Since the maps are from Buenos Aires and Indiana, a future trip and father project is planted to expand the use of this map book.

Book 1: Long stitch binding, handmade paper cover, Suminigashi on Kozo paper, digital print map from SUNY Fredonia art studio collections, water-based ink, 2021, 5.3’’x 6.9’’

Book 2: Buttonhole stitch binding, graphic paper, handmade paper, print map from SUNY Fredonia art studio collections, 2021, 5.5’’ x 4.5’’


Suminagshi is the Japanese traditional art of marbling as ‘floating ink’, the marbling process uses richly pigmented Sumi ink that floats above the water, easy to manipulate to different patterns. Participants can express themselves from Suminagshi, just like another level of meditation it allows participants to follow their inter minds, which can be affected by the ink fluid forces. Suminagshi is a collaboration between the artist and its natural environments. 

Book 1: Long Stitch/ Link Stitch binding, handmade paper cover, Kozo paper, Suminigashi on Kozo, River paper, 2021, 5.6’’ x 6.4’’

Book 2: Swing Tapes binding, leather, handmade paper cover, Suminigashi on Kozo paper, River paper, linen string, 2021, 4.5’’ x 4.5’’